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The Story of Equestrian Inc.
Equestrian Inc. began as the personal cause of one woman who saw the need for horses to have a safe, positive environment to transition from racing to re-homing and from injury to rehabilitation.
Our Founder
Glenda Smith was born and raised in the Davis Islands area of Tampa, FL. She grew up playing tennis and horseback riding but her fondness of horses took over in her early adult life which turned into her calling, saving horses. Glenda dedicated her life to helping any horse she could and for many years it was 100% out of her own pocket. In August 2009, the farm grew to develop a group of tenacious, horse loving supporters of Glenda's cause who turned the farm into a nonprofit now called Equestrian Inc. Glenda realized that the Thoroughbred breed of horse needed the most help transitioning into life after the racetrack. Equestrian Inc. then began focusing on off-the-track-thoroughbreds (OTTB's). In August 2016, Glenda was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma and passed away January 17, 2017. The farm suffered the greatest loss it ever could have imagined. Her youngest daughter, DeeAnn, immediately took the reins and has carried on her late mother's legacy to this day.

What We Do
Equestrian Inc. has a standard protocol when a new arrival comes to our farm. Often times, a horse comes to us with an injury that requires an individual aftercare plan. Our veterinarian comes and evaluates them using an ultrasound for soft tissue injuries or a portable x-ray machine for bone related injuries. From there, a plan is formulated tailored to each horse. Some horses require more stall rest than others whereas some can be hand-walked, or turned out in a small area. After the rehabilitation period is completed, our veterinarian comes back to re-evaluate and gives permission for said horse to begin retraining. Simultaneously, we gradually expand the horse’s turn out set up and offer them a buddy or two depending on their disposition. We then begin with groundwork in the round pen to establish trust and see what the horse knows or may not know. Transitioning a racehorse into a riding horse can sometimes take a great length of time. We require our volunteer trainers to have experience working with OTTB’s. During the retraining phase, we allow for prospective adopters to come meet and try the horse so they can assure it is a proper fit. Our sanctuary horses are those that are with us until their last day. Our sanctuary horses are seasoned professionals for new volunteers who are otherwise less familiar with horses. They are great for teaching people how to groom and be led to and from their respective areas.
Join Our Mission
Equestrian Inc. is a 100% volunteer run, registered 501(c)(3) horse sanctuary charity. We specialize in the rehabilitation, re-training, and re-homing of former Thoroughbred racehorses. We strive to bring people who love horses together with the horses we love. Based in Brandon, Florida, Equestrian Inc. is driven by the philosophy that all horses, whether raced successfully, unraced, old, or young all deserve a “winning” retirement and new career. Off the Track Thoroughbreds (OTTB’s) are known for their athleticism, versatility, and desire to please. We strive to place our horses into loving, educated, forever homes.